About Me

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Lately I've been finding myself messing around with Photoshop, experimenting with different ways to adjust my photos.

Seeing the multiple exposure photo series in our class really got me thinking of ways that I can manipulate my photos. Looking through tutorials online, I was surprised at how in-depth some of them are, going through many, many steps. The end results of these pictures prompted me to rethink my definition of what "photography" means to me.

These were portrait photographs. But how far can you edit, and mess around with the picture, until it wasn't photography anymore? I used to think that any post-editing at all would violate what a photograph is entirely, becoming just an image instead; it was a very elitist view, really. 

Thinking about it reminded me of the photographer Man Ray, and his nude portrait Le Violon d'Ingres where he painted marks onto his photographic prints, and then photographing the image itself. His was a process different from conventional photography and of editing. But there wasn't a doubt in my mind that his photograph was indeed a photograph. 

I have since, thankfully, reversed my view, and often post-edit my phot

Le Violon d'Ingres, 1924

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